Responsible Gaming

Bambet Bookmaker encourages its gamblers to play responsibly.

When using Bambet’s bookmaker, keep the following points in mind: 

  • Online betting and casino gambling at should only be considered as a form of entertainment and not just as a means of generating income. 
  • As a player, always be aware of how much time and money you’ve spent playing at Bambet’s sportsbook.

Here are some signs of irresponsible betting:

  • When you realize that you are spending less time on hobbies, friends and/or family and are instead spending it gambling online.
  • He starts gambling to recover his losses.
  • He’s using bets to get out of financial trouble.
  • Borrowing money, selling belongings or failing to meet your monthly financial obligations in order to gamble.
  • When you start lying or hiding your game from your family and friends. 

If you are concerned and find it difficult to control or stop gambling, please contact Bambet’s support team. If you are concerned about your gambling activities and feel that you may no longer be completely in control, we strongly recommend that you contact Customer Support. 

Our team will help you with the necessary tools to help you regain control of your gambling activities. If you’d like to try your hand at sportsbook betting, Bambet has some useful tips/tools for you to use.

Deposit Limit

Set limits (monthly/weekly/daily) on how much money you want to deposit into your sports betting account. Once you’ve reached the limit, stop and don’t come back until the time has elapsed. This will ensure that you don’t go over your budget and don’t spend more than the previously determined amount.

Loss Limit

Betting is like sports, there are winners and losers. We encourage all players to monitor their weekly losses and set a limit on how much they can afford to lose.

Take A Break

If you feel like taking a short break from betting, simply contact Bambet Sportsbook Customer Support. When the selected time has passed, you can log in to your account and continue having fun!


Self-exclusion is a longer break from the game. If you choose to self-exclude, this will effectively close your account. Only after the period of your choice can you access your account again. 

If you wish to self-exclude, please contact Bambet Customer Support. If you are thinking of self-excluding, you should contact all the other betting companies you have accounts with and make the self-exclusion request with them as well. 

Bambet wants to ensure that the game is fun and exciting for all our players. If you feel you could benefit from any of the tools mentioned above, we recommend you do so!

 For any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Bambet support team.
